TGRT FM is 25 years old
Since its first broadcast in October 4, 1993, TGRT FM has made a special place in the heart of the Turkish people, proved that a radio is an important communication tool and is more than just a music box with its scheduled broadcasts.
Launched 4 October 1993 in Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir and Bursa starting TGRT FM, with 125 national broadcasting transmitters today it is one of Turkey’s most powerful radio stations. TGRT FM continues to reflect the excitement of the first day on the microphone, proving that a radio is an important communication tool and is more than just a music box with its scheduled broadcasts since its foundation. TGRT FM, which has succeeded in keeping the audience at the same frequency, catching the family heat with it’s programs, hourly news, daily newspaper and article summaries and sports programs.