JCR Eurasia Rating has affirmed

JCR Eurasia Rating has affirmed the investment grade rating of ‘A (Trk)’ on the Long Term National Scale along with a ‘Stable’ outlook and ‘Positive’ outlook on the Short Term National Scale (A-1(Trk)) of “Ihlas Holding A.Ş. and its Group Companies” within the context of credit rating. JCR Eurasia has assessed the Long Term International Foreign Currency and Local Currency ratings as ‘BB’. Other notes and details of the ratings are given in the table below:

Long Term International Foreign Currency : BB /(Stable Outlook)
Long Term International Local Currency : BB/(Stable Outlook)
Long Term National Local Rating : A (Trk) /(Stable Outlook)
Short Term International Foreign Currency : B /(Stable Outlook)
Short Term International Local Currency : B/(Stable Outlook)
Short Term National Local Rating : A-1(Trk)/(Positive Outlook)
Sponsor Support : 2
Stand Alone : B


Credit ratings according to JCR Euasia Rating:

Note A : Have high ability to meet current liabilities

Note B : Have enough ability to meet current financial liabilities

Note BB: The Capacity of meeting current financial liabilities do not include a difficulty, it depens on economic situation

Sponsor Support Note 2 : Probability of external support stands at reasonable level

Stand Alone Note B : Shows a powerful institution. There is no big concern about the institution. Meeting liabities easily without external support is expected.